TOKI Talk: A Podcast From The Town of Kiawah Island
The Town would like to welcome you to our rebranded podcast, now known as TOKI Talk: A Podcast from the Town of Kiawah Island." We intend to provide these podcasts biweekly to share our perspectives on issues the community feels are important.

David Peterseim, MD, Medical Director BIFMC
Melissa Frank, Executive Director BIFMC

Samantha Siegle, Angel Oak Preserve Director
In 2008, Samantha Siegel took a stand and started a movement to save the Angel Oak and its surrounding land from impending development. Along the way, she garnered support from many notable conservation organizations, including the Coastal Conservation League and the South Carolina Environmental Law Project. Thanks to those efforts, The Lowcountry Land Trust is now working with the community to turn that land into the Angel Oak Preserve—a publicly accessible park with walking trails and historical, cultural, and environmental information. As we begin the early stages of the planning process, it was only right to bring Samantha back as Project Manager to finish the work she started.